Benjamin de la Peña – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Benjamin de la Peña

  • Communities

    C. Nicole Mason, an author and social justice advocate, makes this point about poverty in a recent column for the Big Think web forum: When people think of poverty they think in terms of money and material resources, but a large part of being poor is suffering from a lack of social connections and networks, and […]

    Article · September 8, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Copenhagen, Denmark, during a 2015 Knight cities tour. Photo by Kyle Kutuchief. This October teams from nine Knight communities will join an annual study tour of Copenhagen, Denmark, supported by Knight Foundation. For five days, 27 civic leaders and innovators will visit the Danish capital, a city that consistently ranks in the top five of […]

    Article · August 26, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Photo: Leaders from Knight communities touring Copenhagen last year. Knight Foundation’s Community and National Initiatives Program returns to Copenhagen, Denmark, this September with civic innovators from 13 Knight communities. Knight grantee 8 80 Cities will take 27 civic innovators to “one of the happiest cities on earth” for five days. Tour participants will experience Copenhagen’s […]

    Article · July 31, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Benjamin de la Peña. I was at the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif., recently for a meeting convened by the New Cities Foundation and Google. About 100 of the top transportation experts from around the world were in the room to discuss the future of urban mobility. There were urbanists and designers, engineers and economists, […]

    Article · March 17, 2014 by