Brett Sokol – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Brett Sokol

  • Arts

    The following is Part 3 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry, an in-depth look at the unorthodox event. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.  The Ferrari said it all. If you were looking to make a dramatic statement that O, Miami was a very different kind of poetry festival — irreverent, playfully subversive, […]

    Article · March 22, 2013 by

  • other

    The following is Part 3 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry, an in depth look at the unorthodox event. Previously, Part 1 looked at the role of the festival in Miami’s growing art scene; Part 2 looked at building the festival. The Ferrari said it all. If you were looking to […]

    Article · March 21, 2013 by

  • Arts

    The following is Part 2 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry. Click here for Part 1 or Part 3.  “We wanted to saturate the city with poetry, to create moments of rupture in someone’s day.” That’s how P. Scott Cunningham explained the charged mission of his O, Miami poetry festival. For its month-long debut in April 2011, […]

    Article · March 21, 2013 by

  • Arts

    The following is Part 2 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry. Click here for Part 1 and Part 3. “We wanted to saturate the city with poetry, to create moments of rupture in someone’s day.” Related Links O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry, an in depth report […]

    Article · March 20, 2013 by

  • Arts

    The following is Part 1 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry. Click here for Part 2 and Part 3. “There’s a line from James Joyce which always stays with me,” explains Alberto Ibargüen, president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. It’s a snippet he reminds himself of whenever a sea of incoming data […]

    Article · March 20, 2013 by

  • Arts

    Related Links O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry, an in depth report on the inaugural festival  The following is Part 1 of O, Miami: How a festival infused a city with poetry. Click here for Part 2 and Part 3. “There’s a line from James Joyce which always stays with me,” […]

    Article · March 19, 2013 by