Brewster Kahle – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Brewster Kahle

  • other

    Knowing what you know now about the internet and how your venture turned out, what do you wish you had done differently from the beginning? We are in the third battle for the open internet, and it is a tough battle. I will use the term “open” to mean a game with many winners, in […]

    Article · October 29, 2021 by

  • Journalism

    The following blog post is written by Roger Macdonald, director, Television Archive; Brewster Kahle, digital librarian, Internet Archive. Photo credit: IceNineJon We are seeing more and more public benefits arising from applying digital search and analysis to news from our most pervasive and persuasive medium— television. That’s why, we are thrilled to announce that the Internet Archive, […]

    Article · May 21, 2013 by