Chris Barr – Page 3 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Chris Barr

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Samuel Mann In a 2011 essay, MIT’s Joichi Ito championed the idea that the architecture of the Internet and free software have slashed the cost of innovation so much, that it’s cheaper to try something than to “sit around and try to figure out whether to try something.” In this spirit, last […]

    Article · March 7, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    “I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking” ― Albert Einstein “Ideas come from everything” ― Alfred Hitchcock Two weeks ago, we opened up our Knight News Challenge on Open Gov, where we’re offering a share of $5 million to the best projects that answer the question, “How might we […]

    Article · February 27, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    About Knight News Challenge: Open Gov from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. Today, as we open the first Knight News Challenge of 2013 on Open Gov, we’re looking for answers to one central question:  “How might we improve the way citizens and governments interact?”  We think that new tools and approaches are giving citizens to drive change, and we’ve crafted a […]

    Article · February 12, 2013 by

  • Journalism

    In June, we announced the creation of the Knight Prototype Fund to support the building and testing of new ideas in media and public information. This initiative allows small teams to create minimum versions of projects, test major assumptions and understand user behavior before making decisions about full-scale development. We believe this rapid and nimble approach to […]

    Article · November 10, 2012 by