Dana DiFilippo – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Dana DiFilippo

  • Arts

    Photo: Fresh Artist’s Design Camp pairs Fresh Artist kids with professional designers around developing repeat patterns and product development. Co-founder Roger Allen works on  a project with students. Credit: Brian Lauer  Board member Jason Janes of Untuck works with young Alpha B. On a project.  A stereotype spawned Barbara Chandler Allen’s first brilliant idea to convince creative kids […]

    Article · February 10, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Charles Leadbeater event in Philadelphia. Photo by Dana DiFilippo for Knight Foundation PHILADELPHIA — Hunting Park, an 87-acre park once overrun by drug dealers and addicts, is now an oasis, with athletic fields, gardens, an orchard and a weekly farmers’ market. Eakins Oval, a parking area most of the year, becomes a stunner every summer, with parkers banned to make way for a pedestrian paradise. And […]

    Article · January 17, 2016 by