Howard C. Lim – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Howard C. Lim

  • Technology

    Above: Jascha Franklin-Hodge, the city of Boston’s CIO, describes the importance of data and open data to drive innovation during Boston’s first Data Coordinator Summit. Credit: Howard C. Lim. Howard C. Lim is the project manager for the city of Boston’s Open Data to Open Knowledge project, a winner of the Knight News Challenge on […]

    Article · April 26, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Howard C. Lim is the project manager for the city of Boston’s Open Data to Open Knowledge initiative, a winner of the Knight News Challenge on Libraries. Boston photo by Eric Gendron on Flickr. Imagine it’s a cold winter day, and three Boston residents don their thick winter coats to brave the blustery weather conditions. […]

    Article · November 20, 2015 by