Jane McDonnell – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jane McDonnell

  • Journalism

    Jane McDonnell is the executive director of the Online News Association (ONA), a nonprofit member organization for digital journalists. With Knight Foundation support, the group is expanding its ONA Local program to accelerate the adoption of the best digital practices in journalism.  Photo credit: Michael Bolden. Never underestimate the power of connections. In 2008, the Online News Association […]

    Article · September 24, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    This article is cross-posted with permission from ONA.  Music, maps and mold. That may not entirely sum up what we were shooting for when we opened applications last year for the first Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism Education, but it comes close. The $1+ million competitive fund, aimed at seeding experiments in J-schools, received […]

    Article · November 6, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Heikki Pölönen. The following is cross-posted from the Online News Association’s website.  The 2014 Online Journalism Awards — the only comprehensive set of prizes honoring excellence in digital journalism around the world — open today, marking their 14th anniversary. It’s worth taking a spin through their short but distinguished history, since they collectively mirror the […]

    Article · May 21, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    The following blog post, written by ONA Executive Director Jane McDonnell, is cross-posted from journalists.org. Photo credit: Flickr user David Moreau. When we put out the call to J-school educators for the first round of experiments to #hackcurriculum for the Challenge Fund for Innovation in Journalism Education, we already knew we were hitting a rich vein just […]

    Article · April 4, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Searchlights and Sunglasses, via YouTube Journalism educators can now apply for up to $35,000 in micro-grants from a $1 million challenge fund encouraging universities to create teams that will experiment with new ways of providing news and information.  The Online News Association will administer the fund. Below, ONA Executive Director Jane McDonnell writes about the challenge. You and your fellow […]

    Article · December 2, 2013 by