Jenny Pennaz – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jenny Pennaz

  • Arts

    Jenny Pennaz is the managing director of Contempo Physical Dance. Contempo Physical Dance is preparing to premiere a new work by Senegalese-French choreographer Patrick Acogny this weekend, following his international choreographic residency with the Knight Arts grantee. Acogny’s work, “Cool Play,” is a result of collaborative efforts from across the world. A native of Brazil, […]

    Article · February 23, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: Contempo Physical Dance company and guest choreographer Patrick Acogny (center) in rehearsal. Jenny Pennaz is the managing director of Contempo Physical Dance. Contempo Physical Dance, a Knight Arts Challenge winner based in St. Paul, Minn., has just kicked off its first international choreography residency. The company recently welcomed the arrival of guest choreographer Patrick […]

    Article · January 25, 2016 by