Jesse Golomb – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jesse Golomb

  • Communities

    Photo: 2014 and 2015 Miami Venture for America Fellows. Photo courtesy Venture for America  An earlier version of this post misspelled the last name of Alida Gagliuffi. When Russell Suskind moved his business to Miami, he was unsure if he had made the right choice. “You grow up in South Florida and leave for college, and you don’t typically move back,” he said. “It felt like a leap […]

    Article · June 27, 2016 by

  • Communities

    Photo courtesy Miami Science Barge. As the sun set over the Miami River on a recent weekday, Nathalie Manzano-Smith and her team of 12 scrambled to ready the Miami Science Barge for its maiden voyage. Manzano-Smith, director of innovation at CappSci, stood near the vessel’s stern, holding her newborn daughter and keeping an eye on […]

    Article · March 1, 2016 by