Joan Mitric – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Joan Mitric

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    The Jefferson Institute’s digital archive system uses one software system to manage all aspects of operations, a “total system approach” that is rarely accomplished in the archive industry, according to the Institute’s Aaron Presnall. Typically, archives have separate systems for functions such as managing scanning workflow at a large scale, for building and managing repositories […]

    Article · May 8, 2011 by

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    From top: Janko Mitric and his third wife, Katerina, pre-WWI; Dobrivoj Mitric before leaving for WWII, 1940; Desanka Mitric (left) with Ina Djordjevic, daughter of Gen. Josif Djordjevic, circa 1939. By Joan McQueeney Mitric When my turn came to try the search engine at Serbia’s new military archive in Zarkovo, I knew exactly what name […]

    Article · May 8, 2011 by