John Bracken – Page 6 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

John Bracken

  • Journalism

    Photo: Cross-posted from [See update below] Twitter chatter tells me that people are eager for News Challenge news. Here’s an update on where things stand: We expect to email applicants our decisions over the next few days, beginning tomorrow. Early last month we met with about two dozen outside reviewers. We described the […]

    Article · January 7, 2011 by

  • Journalism

    Photo: Cross-posted from Welcome to post-December 2nd. The pace of our posting will slow down as we’ve a lot of proposals to review over the next month. We’re too early in our review process to share details about what we’re looking at. Suffice it to say that we are excited to dive into […]

    Article · December 3, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Photo: Cross-posted from As we enter the final hours of the Knight News Challenge, I wanted to offer some answers to questions that have been popping up on Twitter and in our newschallenge at knightfoundation org mail box. Deadline: As we ‘noted on Saturday, we’re going to be liberal about the deadline. We […]

    Article · November 30, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Welcome to the final week of the Knight News Challenge’s application period. We’ve a few more posts planned to aid you with your applications and are available on email (newschallenge at and Twitter (@knightfdn, @jsb and @jczamora). I can’t promise we can answer every question, but we’ll try. Meanwhile, I wanted to give you […]

    Article · November 27, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Cross-posted from When we decided to create categories for the 2011 Knight News Challenge, it didn’t take us long to settle on Mobile as one of them. Here are some illustrations on why we think the mobile device is such an important tool for the production, delivery, consumption and sharing of news and information: […]

    Article · November 23, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Here at Knight Foundation we have a healthy list of to-dos as we head towards the December 1 Knight News Challenge’application deadline. Luckily, the contest has generated a spirit of participation in the field and we don’t have to do everything ourselves. Over the last few weeks, I’ve come across at least three (unofficial, non-Knight […]

    Article · November 22, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Earlier this week I attended the International Center for Journalists’ Awards dinner. The program had plenty of star power: Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and Washington Post columnist (and author of ‘spy novels) David Ignatius won awards, Sen. Clinton sent a video greeting and ABC’s Jonathan Karl served as the MC. For my part, however, the […]

    Article · November 12, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Photo: Cross-posted from Several people over the last few days have asked me about the budget requirements of the Knight News Challenge, so I though I’d try to address it here. The Knight News Challenge application asks three questions about money. First, if you’re applying as part of an organization, nonprofit or forprofit, […]

    Article · November 11, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Cross-posted from Still sorting through the News Challenge categories? Knight Foundation’s John Bracken lends insight into them in this video Q and A. If you still have questions, we hope you’ll join us for a live chat about the challenge at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 18. See you then. Here is the description of the […]

    Article · November 5, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Attendees of last week’s Online News Association are home by now, having successfully exited downtown DC, along with thousands of Rally for Sanity and/or Fear visitors. (A few stalwarts stayed over for’Hacks and Hackers DC at NPR.)’Craig Silverman, at’Media Shift, and Mallary Jean Tanore, at Poynter,’posted thorough summaries of the conference; ‘here are some thoughts […]

    Article · November 1, 2010 by

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation President Alberto Ibarügen talks about Google’s donation of $2 million to support Knight Foundation’s media innovation efforts. It’s a good day when’the biggest company on the Internet tells you that they admire your work. The only thing better is when they tell you they back up the compliment with millions of dollars to […]

    Article · October 26, 2010 by