John Keefe – Knight Foundation
Articles by

John Keefe

  • Journalism

    On May 13, 2021, Knight Foundation announced a new, $3 million initiative to help local news organizations harness the power of artificial intelligence. Below, researchers outline an industry survey they conducted to help Knight understand the landscape. Automation algorithms are all around us, detecting fraudulent use of our credit cards, determining what you see in […]

    Article · May 12, 2021 by , and

  • Technology

    John Keefe is senior editor for data news at WNYC and one of the Knight Foundation-funded Innovators in Residence at the West Virginia University Reed College of Media. Photo: Don Blair building Riffle water sensors at MIT. Photo by John Keefe. In a classroom uphill from the Monongahela River, we are doing sensor journalism all wrong. We’re using untested, inaccurate water-sensing devices, we don’t have a solid […]

    Article · September 21, 2015 by