Jonathan Sotsky – Page 2 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Jonathan Sotsky

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Amr Tahtawi. Engagement with content on news websites is much higher among direct visitors–users who type in the URL or arrive via a bookmark in their browser–than visitors who arrive through search engines and Facebook referrals. That’s one of the conclusions of a Pew Research Center report released today titled “Social, Search & Direct: […]

    Article · March 13, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Photo credit: Flickr user Pekka Nikrus.  You spoke, we responded. In December 2013, Knight Foundation released an analysis of activity and investment in civic tech which captured 209 companies and more than $430 million in investment between January 2011 and May 2013. To build on that initial analysis, we published all the data and asked people […]

    Article · February 26, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Last month, Knight Foundation released a report titled “The Emergence of Civic Tech” which covered the breadth of activity and investment in new technologies advancing civic engagement, government effectiveness and the quality of life in cities. The feedback has been tremendous, confirming civic tech’s growth as a field and a desire among practitioners and investors […]

    Article · January 15, 2014 by

  • Communities

    The Emergence of Civic Tech: Investments in a Growing Field from Knight Foundation At Knight Foundation we believe that democracy thrives when communities are informed and engaged. That has increasingly led us to experiment with new technologies that advance civic health and vitality. Since 2010, Knight has invested more than $25 million in technology ranging from open […]

    Article · December 4, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Jon Sotsky, Strategic Assessment Officer and Jeff Coates, National Program Associate: We and our funder colleagues make several grants in specific communities each year, but often struggle to understand the cumulative impact of these investments in the community. So Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, known as GEO, recently formed a group of private funders and federal agencies to generate new […]

    Article · October 17, 2011 by