Kellan White – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Kellan White

  • other

    Kellan White is co-director of New Leaders Council Philadelphia, which Knight Foundation supports to help recruit and train the city’s next generation of leaders. Photo credit: New Leaders Council Philadelphia. 2014 was a monumental year for the Philadelphia chapter of New Leaders Council. Our annual Fellows’ Fundraiser raised more money than the previous two years combined. Our chapter received […]

    Article · March 19, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Kellan White is co-director of New Leaders Council Philadelphia, which Knight Foundation supports to help recruit and train the city’s next generation of leaders. Photo credit: New Leaders Council Philadelphia. At some point every leader answers the call of leadership. They are faced with a challenge, they make a choice and then they take action. Too often these actions […]

    Article · April 16, 2014 by