Kelly Jin – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Kelly Jin

  • other

    We’re thrilled to share some exciting news for young civic innovators across the United States! The Knight Emerging City Champions (KECC) program is making a comeback after a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With applications opening on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, this program is set to support 20 young, diverse leaders annually in eight […]

    Article · April 8, 2024 by

  • Communities and National Initiatives

    Cities across the United States are transforming urban landscapes once divided by highways, fostering new connections to rebuild communities. In the mid-20th century, highways were built that sliced through vibrant neighborhoods, causing displacement, disconnection and loss. However, recent years have seen a shift toward reimagining and reconnecting these spaces. Local leaders are spearheading projects to […]

    Article · November 28, 2023 by , , , , and

  • other

    Over the past year, Knight Foundation sought to assess the progress of our efforts in nine Knight cities where our focus has been on revitalizing downtowns and neighborhoods. We commissioned HR&A, an urban development consulting firm, to interview local leaders and organizations and analyze data to assess our  progress. The report is available to read […]

    Article · October 30, 2023 by and

  • Communities

    On March 15, 2022, Knight Foundation announced a $1 million investment in the Highline Network and Miami’s Underline to transform public spaces with resident-centered technology. Kelly Jin shares more below. Free and contiguous high-speed internet through a 10-mile corridor serving 250,000 residents. Augmented reality tours that show residents the untold history of their neighborhood’s development. […]

    Article · March 15, 2022 by