Kevin Davis – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Kevin Davis

  • Journalism

    Kevin Davis is CEO of the Investigative News Network.   Above: Newsroom lights reflected in the glass of an iPad by Troy McCullough on Flickr. This week marks the opening of the third round of the INNovation Fund, a micro-grant program managed by the Investigative News Network to help with business experimentation in nonprofit and […]

    Article · February 4, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation supports the Investigative News Network, a consortium of more than 80 nonprofit newsrooms, to cultivate sustainable new models in journalism. Below, Kevin Davis, CEO of the organization, writes about the findings in a recent report from Knight, “Finding a Foothold: How Nonprofit News Ventures Seek Sustainability.” Above: Pew Research and Knight Foundation Nonprofit News Roundtable. “Finding a […]

    Article · November 14, 2013 by