Kristen Wile – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Kristen Wile

  • Communities

    Above: Susan Crawford, co-director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University, during Knight Foundation’s Media Learning Seminar 2015. Photo by Patrick Farrell.  At the reception before Susan Crawford’s talk at Queens University of Charlotte on Thursday evening, the center table with platters of fruit, cheese, and vegetables attracted few guests. Attendees were already busy […]

    Article · October 26, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Photo: Charlotte market by Kirsten Wile. When 7th Street Public Market first opened in Charlotte, N.C., in 2012, people questioned the likelihood of its success. Today, it’s a popular destination for quality coffee, fresh cheeses and local goods, and the tables clustered in the middle of the market’s stalls and restaurants are frequently packed. So […]

    Article · August 28, 2015 by