Kristin Gilger – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Kristin Gilger

  • other

    Kristin Gilger is associate dean at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. Below, she writes about the Cronkite School’s new Public Insight Network bureau, funded in part by Knight Foundation, where students provide services to professional news organizations seeking to engage with diverse audiences and improve their storytelling. […]

    Article · March 3, 2014 by

  • Journalism

    Each year, with support from Knight and its partners, students in the News21 program study a topic in-depth during the spring seminar and follow with a 10-week reporting fellowship. Here, Kristin Gilger, associate dean at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University, writes about this year’s expanded program. Above: Leonard Downie Jr. […]

    Article · May 11, 2012 by