Laura Zabel – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Laura Zabel

  • Arts

    Nikiko Masumoto. Photo by Gosia Wosniacka.  This is cross-posted with permission from Creative Exchange. What is Creative Exchange and how can you use it? Springboard for the Arts Executive Director Laura Zabel looks back on how Creative Exchange has taken shape as a forum for idea sharing since its launch in March 2014. I believe in […]

    Article · October 14, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Above: Artify, St. Paul. Photo credit: Bill Kelley. At Springboard for the Arts, we just launched a new national home for creative ideas. We’re calling it the Creative Exchange. What exactly is it? The short answer is, that it’s up to you. It’s a place for exchange: of stories, practical resources and conversation. It’s a […]

    Article · March 24, 2014 by