Lindsay Brown – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Lindsay Brown

  • Communities

    Above: Day 2 at the National Immigrant Integration Conference, via YouTube Last week the sixth annual National Immigrant Integration Conference attracted hundreds of immigrant rights supporters, elected officials, businesspeople and others to Miami to brainstorm ideas and plans of action for better immigrant integration in the United States. The conference, held Nov. 17-19 at the Hilton […]

    Article · November 27, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Developer Jake A. Smith leads a joint Code for Miami and Hacks/Hackers meet-up on “Getting Started With Github” at The LAB Miami in August. Photo credit: Rebekah Monson. Two groups in Miami’s emerging technology scene are working to bring journalists, developers, innovators and residents together to create solutions that benefit the community. Code for Miami, a Code […]

    Article · November 26, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Miami Mini Maker Faire, a Flickr set by Michael Bolden Creativity, technology and innovation overflowed The LAB Miami co-working space in Wynwood recently during Miami’s first Mini Maker Faire. The event, supported by Knight Foundation, offered the opportunity for South Florida makers and do-it-yourself innovators to showcase their products and ideas. The Faire attracted throngs of […]

    Article · November 22, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Above: Arianna Huffington. Photo credit: Anusha Alikhan.  Arianna Huffington kicked of the 2013 abc* Foundation Continuity Forum Wednesday at Miami Beach’s New World Center with some “straight talk” on the future of media. The two-day forum brings together high-profile speakers and social entrepreneurs to present their ideas and use their influence to address social challenges across […]

    Article · November 7, 2013 by