Lisa Williams – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Lisa Williams

  • Communities

    The following is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center. It is written by Lisa Williams, the CEO and founder of and a consultant for the Knight Community Information Challenge.  What would you do if you could build a brand-new journalism school from scratch? Monclair State in New Jersey is doing just that. RELATED LINK “Do universities hear the […]

    Article · March 22, 2013 by

  • Communities

    What do people really want from your data?   These days, data — data visualization, data journalism, and data-driven civic apps — are the new black.  There are hackathons, national data challenges, grant programs, and groups putting coders to work on behalf of cities.   There’s also more publicly available data than ever before — […]

    Article · December 13, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Knight currently supports the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to help develop a collaborative of news organizations and journalists in New Jersey. Below, Lisa Williams writes about how the project is getting an early test of its new model. The following is cross-posted from the Knight Digital Media Center’s blog. Hurricane Sandy created havoc in many seaside communities in New […]

    Article · November 7, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Feet In Two Worlds at the Ippies. From left: Von Diaz, Lan Trinh, Cristina DC Pastor, John Rudolph, Mohsin Zaheer. Four participants in the Feet in Two Worlds project, which was funded by the Knight Community Information Challenge in 2010 via the New York Community Trust, won Ippies, which recognize excellence in ethnic media.  Reporters from […]

    Article · May 15, 2012 by

  • Communities

    Declining ad revenue and a tough economy led to hard times for news organizations in New Jersey.  Rounds of layoffs at the Star-Ledger – which is one of the primary sources of news from New Jersey’s statehouse – had led to deep cuts in coverage of important public policy issues.   But could a small […]

    Article · February 24, 2012 by

  • Communities

    “Utilitarianism,” from Jessica Hagy’s brilliant site This Is Indexed. I’m a huge fan of, a blog that’s devoted to infographics. We live in a world where our ability to make choices from everything about our health to who we’ll vote for — depends on our grasp of what I’ll call The Big Numbers. Dense […]

    Article · June 6, 2011 by

  • Communities

    The River Partnership is an association of community foundations located in cities and towns along the Mississippi River. With a watershed of over a million square miles, the river is the kind of natural resource that risks being everyone’s treasure and no one’s concern. The River Partnership, a second round winner of the Knight Community […]

    Article · June 6, 2011 by

  • Communities

    The California Endowment and the Knight Foundation are supporting a youth media initiative in California’s Central Valley, and judging from the quality of the writing, the investment is paying off. Here’s Jesus Vargas, a resident of Coachella, CA, writing about the Coachella Festival, a music festival which triples the population of this town, where 35% […]

    Article · June 2, 2011 by

  • Journalism

    “It’s almost like Republicans and Democrats,”  said Matt Dobrin, parent of a student in Providence’s public schools.   “You have two opposing views — probably somewhere in the center is a great idea.” Dobrin, speaking about the difference between traditional public schools and new charter schools like Democracy Prep, says that as a parent, he […]

    Article · October 12, 2010 by