Mike Shafarenko – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Mike Shafarenko

  • Communities

    Photo: Civic Commons ideastream Mike Shafarenko is the director of Civic Commons at ideastream. From February 2011 to August 2013, he was the president and co-founder of the Civic Commons, a Knight Foundation grantee in Northeast Ohio. In August he wrote about the Civic Commons’ integration into ideastream, a multiple media public service organization that […]

    Article · February 7, 2014 by

  • Communities

    Knight Foundation funds the Civic Commons to provide new ways for citizens to learn about local issues. Below, Mike Shafarenko, president of the Civic Commons, writes about a new community partnership. At the Civic Commons, we’ve always dreamed big dreams for how citizens become more aware, more engaged and more likely to influence major community decisions—and for how […]

    Article · August 6, 2013 by