Natalia Martinez – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Natalia Martinez

  • Communities

    Above: Code Fever was provided Raspberry Pi processors. Photo: Carolina Wilson. Natalia Martinez is a dean of  Awesome Foundation Miami, which Knight Foundation supports as part of its commitment to develop a network of innovators and entrepreneurs in South Florida. “Money is like manure; it’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around encouraging young things […]

    Article · August 7, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Knight Foundation supports The Awesome Foundation Miami to help local innovators benefit from its micro-grant opportunities. Below, Natalia Martinez, the dean of The Awesome Foundation Miami, writes about the group’s objectives. Photo credit: Bruce Pinchbeck. Pinchbeck’s Frame It Up Project received $1,000 from The Awesome Foundation Miami. The idea of starting an Awesome Foundation chapter in Miami came to me because, frankly, I […]

    Article · September 25, 2013 by