Priya Kumar – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Priya Kumar

  • Journalism

    RDR’s public session at RightsCon Manila. Photo: RightsCon. This article is cross-posted with permission from the author.  For the second year in a row, the Ranking Digital Rights team joined hundreds of advocates, technologists, government officials, and company representatives at RightsCon, a key annual gathering focused on Internet and human rights organized by our good friends […]

    Article · April 6, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    KNC Summer 2014 participants (Allon Bar, research coordinator and human rights specialist with Ranking Digital Rights, and Program Associate Priya Kumar, right) work on a storytelling exercise during Knight News Challenge: Summer. Photo by Michael Bolden. Priya Kumar is a program associate with Ranking Digital Rights, a winner of the 2014 Knight News Challenge on […]

    Article · October 23, 2014 by