Rebekah Monson – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Rebekah Monson

  • Communities

    Above: Hack for Change 2015, at The LAB Miami. Photo courtesy Code for Miami. Video: Code for Miami on YouTube. Rebekah Monson is co-organizer of Code for Miami, which Knight Foundation supports to expand economic opportunity and promote civic engagement. Developers, designers, government staff, community organizers and civic-minded volunteers in Miami will join Code for […]

    Article · May 24, 2016 by

  • Journalism

    Entrevista Mariana Santos from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. Since June, Chicas Poderosas has helped more than 1,000 Latin American journalists learn digital skills and use them in their communities. Attendees at the immersive, hands-on digital storytelling workshops have researched and prototyped digital projects on water issues, agriculture, crime, elections and demographics in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. Now, […]

    Article · March 25, 2014 by

  • other

    Rebekah Monson, communications manager at the University of Miami School of Communication, is co-captain of the Code for Miami Code for America brigade and an organizer of Hacks/Hackers Miami. Below, she writes about attending her first News Foo, a gathering of people in the digital news space organized by Knight Foundation, O’Reilly Media and Google. Photo credit: Flickr user […]

    Article · November 22, 2013 by

  • Communities

    Clay Shirky keynotes the 2013 Code for America Summit An earlier version of this post incorrectly said that Code for America would send 14 fellows to various cities across the United States and Puerto Rico in 2014. The correct number is 31 fellows.   SAN FRANCISCO — In his opening keynote for the annual Code […]

    Article · October 22, 2013 by