Sanford J. Ungar – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Sanford J. Ungar

  • Journalism

    On May 5, 2020, Gallup and Knight Foundation released a new report on college students and their attitudes about Free Speech. Sanford J. Ungar shares insights below. View the full report and additional insights here. Polls often have something to reinforce every point of view, and the latest study of campus attitudes on free speech from […]

    Article · May 5, 2020 by

  • Journalism

    Free speech continues to be broadly under attack in the United States, and a new front in the struggle has emerged in America’s high schools.   But the threat to free speech does not always take the form imagined or described in much of the public dialogue on this issue. The challenges to free expression […]

    Article · February 21, 2019 by