Steve Tobocman – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Steve Tobocman

  • Communities

    Photo by IndusBird on Flickr. This week, hundreds of thousands of international students will say goodbye to the U.S. to return, with STEM degrees in hand, to their home countries. Far from being a drain on the American economy or threat to U.S. jobs, these talented graduates—disproportionately armed with graduate STEM degrees—could fill a real […]

    Article · July 19, 2016 by

  • Communities

    This article has been cross-posted with permission from the Global Detroit blog. Steve Tobocman is the Director of Global Detroit. Follow @GlobalDet on Twitter. Today, Global Detroit was honored to receive one of the first-ever Renewal Awards, created by the National Journal and Atlantic magazines with Allstate, to recognize the innovators, grassroots organizers and problem-solvers […]

    Article · January 29, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Steve Tobocman is the executive director of Global Detroit, which Knight Foundation supports. A version of this post previously appeared on the Global Detroit website. The week before Thanksgiving, I was privileged to attend the ceremonial opening of the Bangladeshi American Public Affairs Committee office on Conant Avenue, the commercial main street of the BanglaTown neighborhood on […]

    Article · December 15, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Steve Tobocman is the director of Global Detroit, which Knight Foundation supports to accelerate talent and advance opportunity in Detroit, one of 26 Knight communities. Photo: A Detroit neighborhood soccer team reflects and benefits from the diversity of the community. Credit: Global Detroit.  Southwest Detroit is frequently discussed as the one working-class neighborhood in Detroit […]

    Article · September 16, 2014 by