Taylor Owen – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Taylor Owen

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation supports the Journalism After Snowden initiative to ensure access to information and promote journalistic excellence. Below, Jennifer Henrichsen, a research fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, and Taylor Owen, research director, write about the program. Photo: Columbia Journalism School Dean Steve Coll delivers a Journalism After Snowden lecture at Yale Law School […]

    Article · February 5, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation supports Journalism After Snowden to ensure access to information and promote journalistic excellence. Below, Jennifer Henrichsen, a research fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, and Taylor Owen, research director, write about the expansion of the program. We’ve long known that it’s easy to kill the messenger. Journalists […]

    Article · June 10, 2014 by