Waldo Jacquith – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Waldo Jacquith

  • Technology

    Knight News Challenge: Data. Waldo Jaquith is the director of U.S. Open Data, which is supported by Knight Foundation. The Knight News Challenge on Data asks the question, How might we make data work for individuals and communities? Winners will share in $3 million. Apply at newschallenge.org. Before data can work for individuals and communities, it must first work for the organizations […]

    Article · September 21, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Waldo Jaquith is director of the U.S. Open Data Insitute, which Knight Foundation supports. With the input of Jaquith and other thought leaders, Knight Foundation is launching OpenGov and You, a companion to the 2013 Aspen Institute Forum on Communication and Society (FOCAS) that explores how we might tackle the obstacles to government openness and transparency. Not long […]

    Article · May 13, 2014 by