Community Arts Grantmaking FAQ – Knight Foundation

Community Arts Grantmaking FAQ

Knight’s Community Arts Grantmaking program is seeking proposals for projects that engage and enrich Charlotte, North Carolina, Macon, Georgia, Philadelphia, and San Jose, California.


When does the application period open?

May 1, 2017.

What’s the deadline for submitting an application?

The deadline will be June 16, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. ET.  

How do I submit my application?
What are the rules?

The project must take place in or benefit Charlotte, North Carolina, Macon, Georgia, Philadelphia, or San Jose, California. It must align with one or more of the following three areas: 1) artistic excellence; 2) authenticity and inclusion, or work that reflects the voices and values of a community; and 3) technological innovation, or projects that use technology either as a tool for an artist’s work, to attract and engage audiences, or to make art more accessible. We are looking for projects and programs that will be completed by December 2019. Read more about our arts strategy.

Can only nonprofit organizations or educational institutions apply?

The funding opportunity is open to anyone: nonprofits, institutions, individuals, universities, municipalities, artist collectives, private corporations and more. Anyone can apply and all are encouraged.

Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to apply?

No. This call is open to applicants of all nationalities, though the project must take place in or benefit one of the four cities.

Do you have to be at least 18 years old to apply?


Do I or my organization have to be based in one of the four cities?


How many applications may I submit?

There is no limit. Each application should be for a different project.

How much money can I ask for?

There is no limit, however, grants generally range from $25,000 to $75,000. The amount of funding you request should match the types of activities you plan on implementing. For example, if the project is commissioning new work, we would expect to see an artist commission fee in addition to a limited administrative cost.

Can I add attachments to my initial idea?

Yes, through the online application form.

Do I have to have a letter of support if my idea is contingent on another organization or partner?

Yes. A letter of support is required if your idea is contingent on another organization or partner.


What’s considered art?

Good question. There are many definitions, but we like this one: The conscious use of skill and creative imagination. We are not looking for social projects that use art to achieve their goal. We are seeking projects that, foremost, strive to create quality art in our communities.

What are Knight’s funding priorities?

For a full explanation of Knight’s Arts strategy, please click here.

Who reviews my entry?

Knight staff review each idea with the help of artists and art leaders from each community. Ultimately, the final decision lies with Knight Foundation’s board of trustees.

What criteria will you use to evaluate submissions?

We select the best projects that align with our strategy centered on 1) artistic excellence; 2) authenticity and inclusion – or work that reflects the voices and values of a community; and 3) technological innovation, or projects that use technology either as a tool for an artist’s work to attract and engage audiences, or to make art more accessible.

Can I still apply if my project is just an idea?

Yes. Applications can be for entirely new projects or projects that are ongoing.

What is the funding timeline?

Submissions will be accepted May 1 – June 16, 2017 for all four cities.

Will grant recipients be required to supply matching funding?

No, matching funding is not a requirement.

If my proposal is not accepted, will I know why?

Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are unable to share with you the reason for your declination.

If I have received a grant from Knight before, can I apply again?


Where can I find information on past grants?

Please go to

I’ve read the FAQ. How can I gain more insights into the process and strategy?

Knight staff will hold virtual office hours for this purpose. You can RSVP on Eventbrite. The registration links are posted here.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Send questions to Arts Program Officer Amanda Thompson at [email protected]