Celebrate Charlotte Arts FAQ – Knight Foundation

Celebrate Charlotte Arts FAQ


Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions about the application process.


When will the application period be open?

Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. ET to June 7, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

What are the application criteria?
  • Projects must be for the arts, take place in Charlotte and be created or presented by Charlotte-based artists or organizations. 

  • Projects may be new ideas or works-in-progress. 

  • Proposed projects must be completed by spring 2020 and prior to a Knight-sponsored showcase at BOOM Festival.

  • Artists and organizations with active Knight Foundation grants are not eligible for funding through Celebrate Charlotte Arts.

Can only nonprofit organizations or educational institutions apply?

Celebrate Charlotte Arts is open to anyone: nonprofits, for profits, individuals, or groups. Anyone can apply and all are encouraged!

Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to apply?

No. This open call is open to applicants of all nationalities.

Do you have to be at least 18-years-old to apply?

No, however, if a minor’s project is selected, the award will be made to his or her parents or legal guardian. A grant could also go to an organization that agrees to work with individuals under 18 years of age without charge.

Do I or my organization have to be based in Charlotte?

Yes, projects must take place in Charlotte and be created or presented by Charlotte-based artists or organizations.

Does my project need to be about Charlotte?

No. Charlotte does not have to be the subject of your project; however, it should celebrate the creative work of local residents.

How many applications may I submit?

We welcome one proposal per applicant.

How much money can I ask for?

Applicants may request up to $25,000 in support of their project.

Do I have to have a letter of support if my idea is contingent on another organization or partner?

Yes. A letter of support from the partner organization is required as part of your submission.


What’s considered “art”?

Great question. There are many definitions, but we like this one: The conscious use of skill and creative imagination. We are seeking projects that showcase and celebrate the artistry and creative work of Charlotte-based artists and organizations. The creation of art and the presentation (showing it and sharing it with audiences) of art must be at the core of the project.

How do I know if my proposal is right for Celebrate Charlotte Arts?

Test it out. Knight staff will be holding info sessions and office hours specifically for this purpose.

What are Knight’s funding priorities?

For a full explanation of Knight art’s strategy, please click here.

Who reviews my entry?

Knight staff will review submissions in collaboration with members of the Charlotte community who have familiarity with the city, its neighborhoods, and its arts and culture.

Can I still apply if my project is in its early stages?

Yes. Applications can be for entirely new projects or works-in-progress. Regardless of its stage, it needs to be completed in time for the Knight-sponsored showcase at BOOM Festival in Spring 2020.

Am I eligible for Celebrate Charlotte Arts if I’m a current Knight Foundation grantee?

No, because our goal with the open call is to explore, uncover and develop new connections with artists and organizations across Charlotte, those with active Knight Foundation grants are ineligible for funding through Celebrate Charlotte Arts.

When will the selected projects be announced? When will funding be disbursed?

Funded projects will be announced no later than August 2019. Funding will be disbursed in Fall 2019.

How soon will we hear back with a decision on our application?

You will be contacted via email approximately two months after the application closes with a decision.

If my proposal is not accepted, will I know why?

Due to the large number of applications we expect to receive, we are unable to share with you the reason(s) for your declination.

When will the showcase of selected projects take place?

The Knight-sponsored showcase will be a part of BOOM Festival programming in 2020. BOOM takes place every April.

Do I have to show my work in the Knight-sponsored showcase?

No, it is encouraged but not required. Projects receiving support from Celebrate Charlotte Arts will have the opportunity to share all or part of their funded project during BOOM Festival in 2020. We recognize that some projects may not fit within this framework.

I’ve read through the FAQ. How can I learn more or make my idea more competitive?
Who do I contact if I have questions?

Send questions to [email protected].