Gerardo Bueso – Knight Foundation

Gerardo Bueso



University of Miami
Home Country
Intern Class
Summer 2012

Gerardo Bueso joined the Knight Foundation Summer 2012 internship program. Bueso is a volunteer with Operation Smile, a worldwide children’s charity organization. He interned at the Central American Bank for Economic Integration. Bueso is a native of Honduras and studied at the University of Miami where he graduated in December 2011 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with majors in Economics and Finance.

In Gerardo’s Words:

The Knight Foundation’s Internship program is a challenging, rewarding, and unique experience. Be prepared to express yourself and use high level critical thinking skills as part of your daily work routine. The office offers a relaxed work environment, not unlike that of a startup, where you can interact with high level executives ranging from the CEO to the Program Directors. You are expected to contribute great ideas and share your findings with multiple executives. This is a critical part of what makes Knight Foundation such a great environment to work in, because it fosters creativity and innovation through the sharing of ideas. This highly networked environment creates a great learning atmosphere for personal growth. This has been the most rewarding internship I have had the pleasure of being a part of thanks to the high level of engagement that is expected on a daily basis.