Mindy McAdams – Knight Foundation
  • Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies and the Democratic Process, University of Florida
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Mindy McAdams is the Knight Chair in Journalism Technologies and the Democratic Process at University of Florida. She teaches journalists, students and educators about digital journalism, code, news apps and the not-always-benign uses of algorithms. She focuses on software technologies journalists use to tell interactive stories, and open sources most of her work.

McAdams was one of the pioneers in developing online journalism services. She has trained hundreds of professional journalists in digital skills workshops. She has led journalism training, classes and presentations in countries including Argentina, Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Vietnam and Thailand.

McAdams has received two Fulbright Scholar grants. In 2011-12, she taught journalism and gave workshops for 10 months in Indonesia. In 2004-05, she lived in Malaysia for eight months while she taught journalism and researched press freedom there.

Before moving to Florida, McAdams was a copy editor for 11 years. She worked on the Metro desk at The Washington Post, and at Time magazine in New York. In 1994, she was the first content developer at Digital Ink, The Washington Post’s first online newspaper.