Knight Media Forum 2019 – Knight Foundation

Knight Media Forum 2019

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Knight Media Forum

Strengthening local news, media and democracy

Feb. 26-27, 2019

J.W. Marriott Marquis, Miami

The Knight Media forum gathers leaders in journalism, technology and philanthropy to explore the ways to strengthen local news and our democracy.

This year, the forum’s mission is more crucial than ever, as trust in media continues to decline, local newsrooms shrink, news deserts expand and as the threat these changes pose for democracy becomes abundantly clear.

The forum will spotlight the people and projects working to address these challenges, highlighting innovative experiments in local journalism and ways to increase trust in media. Knight Foundation just announced it’s doubling its investment in strengthening journalism to $300 million over the next five years, with a focus on building the future of local news. Several key grantee partners will be represented at the forum.

For context, read the recommendations from the Aspen Institute/Knight Commission on Trust Media and Democracy, and about Knight’s $300 million commitment to local news.

Speakers include:

David Brooks

David Brooks

Columnist, The New York Times 
danah boyd

danah boyd

Founder and President, Data & Society
Grant Oliphant

Grant Oliphant

President, The Heinz Endowments