Knight New Work 2022: FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the application period open and close?
Monday, July 18 to Monday, August 29 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Who is eligible?
Individual artists, artist collectives and arts organizations of all artistic genres are eligible to apply. Individuals must be based in South Florida, or have direct ties to the area.
Does my organization have to be based in South Florida?
Yes, organizations must be based in South Florida in order to apply. They can partner with individual artists from outside the area, provided that those individuals can demonstrate a deep connection to South Florida. All pieces must premiere in South Florida.
I’m an artist and I’m not based in Miami-Dade. Am I eligible to apply?
No, this opportunity is exclusively for artists based in South Florida. We encourage you to check back to kf.org/arts for future opportunities!
What is the criteria for applying as an organization?
A South Florida-based arts organization, or an arts institution can submit an application. The creation of new work can be in any artistic genre, but must use technology in the creation and/or dissemination of the work.
When do the performances take place?
Knight New Work 2022 winners will convene in Spring 2023 to share drafts or works in progress. Works must be presented by Spring 2024.
What happens after I submit my application?
After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by a national panel of artists, practitioners and Knight staff. Finalists will be announced in November 2022.
How many applications may an organization submit?
Each applying entity, whether an individual, collective, or organization is limited to one (1) application.
How much money can I ask for?
Knight will award a total of $500,000 to a selection of winners. Grants will be awarded based on the merit of the proposal and the perceived ability of the arts practitioner to complete the work as proposed and within the given timeframe.
Are letters of support required?
Yes. You must have a letter of support from a South Florida based presenting partner(s) for the premiere of the new work.
Can I add attachments to my application?
Yes. Applicants are asked to submit work samples, as well as supplemental materials to help describe or illustrate their new work concept or artistic practice.
What kind of new works are you looking for?
The works can represent diverse artistic genres including performing arts, visual arts and film in addition to incorporating the use of technology. We are seeking projects that leverage technology to connect people to each other and to South Florida through the arts.
How can I gain an edge in my application?
While there is no one magic phrase or secret ingredient to a competitive application, we are seeking works that are centered on impact. Winning works will reimagine how the arts are experienced through technology and will leverage technology to better tell stories, reach audiences and preserve art.
Is there a matching requirement for this grant?
Yes, for organizations with budgets greater than $500K.
What are Knight’s funding priorities?
For a full explanation of the Knight’s strategy in the Arts program, please click here.
Who reviews my entry and determines the grant recipients?
Knight staff and a national panel of experts from the field will review each idea with the help of artists and art leaders. Ultimately, the final decision lies with the Knight Board of Trustees.
Can I still apply if my project is just an idea?
Yes. Applications can be for entirely new projects or projects that are currently in development. The work must have not yet premiered, however.
When will winners be announced?
Prize winners will be announced in November 2022.
If my proposal is not accepted, will I know why?
Due to the large number of applications we receive, we are unable to share with you the reason for your declination. If you are not selected this time, we encourage you to re-apply to future Knight New Work open calls or other Knight Arts initiatives.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Send questions to [email protected].
Can I apply in another language that’s not English?
Yes, please feel free to submit your information in your language of choice. Please note that applications submitted in other languages other than English will be translated into English for the review process. (For FAQs in Spanish, click here. And for FAQs in Creole, click here.)