2019 Knight Library Convening – Knight Foundation

2019 Knight Library Convening

2019 Knight Library Convening

The 2019 Knight Library Convening, hosted by Knight Foundation, will take place Feb. 24 – 25, 2019 in Miami. 

This interactive, invitation-only event will explore how we can foster a strong future for libraries as trusted public institutions.

Knight has long supported libraries because of the vital role they play in building informed and engaged communities. We’ve increasingly focused on funding innovation in libraries and collaborations to help them adapt to the changing needs and behavior of people in the 21st century.

Recent research has shown that libraries are one of few democratic institutions that Americans consistently identify as trustworthy: While public confidence in establishments such as the press and government continue to drop, the library remains a welcoming and dependable institution in the eyes of Americans. In fact, most Americans, especially millennials, say libraries can help them find reliable, trustworthy information in the time of “fake news,” social media and news saturation.  

Maintaining libraries’ unique, positive standing in a time of public distrust is critical. Libraries function as community centers, resources for government services and important educational spaces. They play a key role in social well-being, economic opportunity, health, access to technology and more. 

So, the 2019 Knight Foundation Library Convening asks: How can we promote innovation in libraries to foster their strong future as trusted public institutions? 

The convening will involve a series of presentations, panel discussions and interactive activities centered on this question. Session topics include:

  • The library as a trusted source of information: How can libraries leverage public trust to promote, partner with and provide local media?

  • The library as a trusted community anchor: How can libraries support community wellbeing without undermining its mission, core services or effectiveness?

  • The library as a trusted communicator: How can libraries measure and expand their impact in transparent ways?

Use #futureoflibraries to engage with the event on social media.

About the convening facilitator:The Knight Libraries Convening will be facilitated by TYTHEdesign, a capacity-building firm that uses the lens of design and strategy to support organizations doing good in their communities. By taking a human-centered approach, TYTHEdesign helps organizations connect with their stakeholders, drive innovation internally, enhance new and existing services and share their stories. Ultimately, its mission is to deepen existing skills and strengthen the impact of the social sector.

TYTHEdesign was founded by Kristina Drury, a social entrepreneur, designer and educator. Under Kristina’s leadership, TYTHE has increased the community impact of over 150 local and global social good organizations, including Brooklyn Public Library, Pennsylvania State Library System, California Public Library System, Brooklyn Bridge Park and Earth Institute. Her teaching and speaking experience includes engagements at the Clinton Global Initiative University, Cooper-Hewitt Museum and New Museum’s Ideas City Festival. Kristina has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from McGill University and a master’s degree in industrial design from Pratt Institute.