Frequently Asked Questions: Data for Civic Engagement – Knight Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions: Data for Civic Engagement

When is the application deadline?

December 13, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.

Who can apply?

U.S. based individuals or organizations (both nonprofit and for-profit) may apply. Cross-sector partnerships are encouraged.

Is my application private?

Yes. Only Knight Foundation staff and the advisors assisting with the review process will see your application.

What are the selection criteria?

We are seeking projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to the way residents use, understand and take action with open data. Reviewers, advisors and Knight Foundation staff will evaluate ideas on the strength and novelty of the idea, potential impact on audiences, and potential repeatability of the approach.

Where should my project be based?

Projects can operate in any of the 26 communities where Knight invests.

How many applications may I submit?

We welcome one idea per applicant or organization. Academic institutions (universities, colleges) may submit one idea per program.

What information is needed to apply?

To apply, answer a simple set of questions found here.

What is the grant size?

We expect the average grant size for these projects to range from $100,000 – $150,000.

What other benefits will winners receive?

In addition to funding, grant recipients will have opportunities to network and learn from each other.

Does my project have to incorporate specific technology?

We are technology agnostic and this challenge is being set up to advance public access and presentation of data. We encourage leveraging readily accessible platforms and digital tools, especially those that are familiar to the target audience.

When will the winners be announced?

We will announce grant recipients in early 2020.

How can I learn more?

For more information, view the Full RFP , a blog post by Lilian Coral and the press release on this RFP. You may also watch a recording of our informational webinar or email [email protected].