Immigrant Boom Can Benefit U.S. Economy – Knight Foundation

Immigrant Boom Can Benefit U.S. Economy

Knight Foundation and Mayors of Knight Communities Announce Major New Initiative

AKRON, OHIO — The United States is currently experiencing the largest immigrant boom since the last century, with newcomers coming from an even wider range of nations and settling in nontraditional immigrant gateway cities. As Akron and other communities face the challenge of effectively integrating these newcomers, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announces a major initiative to help immigrants in Knight communities become citizens, vote and play an active role in community civic life. 

“How we treat newcomers is a reflection of our commitment to the American tradition of freedom and opportunity for all,” said Hodding Carter III, Knight Foundation president and CEO. “To support elected leaders and communities where we have had a presence in for as long as a half century, Knight Foundation is investing an initial $13.5 million to help newcomers achieve the American dream and contribute to the economic, social and civic health of communities.”

The announcement was made at a briefing today in Akron during the fall leadership meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, hosted by Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic, current USCM president. America’s mayors, including those from the 26 Knight communities, are experiencing firsthand the impact of the most recent immigration boom.

Working with nationally respected nonprofits as well as local organizations in those 26 communities where the foundation has an established presence, Knight will support approaches that increase rates of naturalization, improve English-language education, and strengthen the local and national network of immigrant-serving organizations across the country. The foundation will also establish an American Dream Fund, which will work closely with local Knight community advisory committees to provide operating support to local organizations working on immigrant integration.

Knight Foundation is also working with Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Open Society Institute, and the Joyce and Mertz Gilmore foundations to pool resources to increase immigrants’ civic participation, support public policies that create a wider path to citizenship for immigrants, and build a stronger infrastructure of organizations working on immigrants’ behalf at the local and national level. 

“This nation of immigrants is once again embarking on a bold experiment,” said Frank Sharry, executive director of the National Immigration Forum. “Much like 100 years ago, immigrants are transforming communities across America. The challenge for our generation is to succeed as our ancestors did at the beginning of the last century so that immigration benefits immigrant families and the communities and country that welcome them. Knight Foundation is rising to meet this challenge in a significant way, and we hope others in the private and public sector will follow their lead.”

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation promotes excellence in journalism worldwide and invests in the vitality of Akron and 25 other U.S. communities. By funding a variety of state, federal and local efforts, Knight is helping immigrants develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to integrate fully into civic life in their adopted home.