Knight Foundation – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation

Community funding program also hires new director for Lexington

MIAMI — Matthew Bergheiser, an experienced professional in urban and business redevelopment, has joined Knight Foundation as program director for Philadelphia, responsible for overseeing all grant making in the metropolitan area.

Most recently, Bergheiser served as executive director of Trenton Downtown Association, where he was responsible for creating economic development programs. His efforts included pioneering a retail “co-operatives” leasing program that filled long-empty storefronts and launching a popular nonprofit art gallery.

Prior to that, Bergheiser was executive vice president at the Enterprise Center in Philadelphia, where he worked to stimulate business opportunities in the city’s distressed urban communities. During his tenure, the center’s client base grew by 150 percent, client revenue base grew ten-fold and 200 jobs were created over six years.

“Matthew Bergheiser has demonstrated leadership and executive competence, but also outstanding creativity and innovation in addressing the perennial problems of decaying urban areas,” said Susan Patterson, director of Knight’s Community Partners Program. “His ideas and guidance will invigorate our community work in Philadelphia.”

Bergheiser earned a master’s of business administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a Palmer Scholar. He has a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University. He begins work at Knight in mid-July.

Knight Foundation also welcomes Laura Williams as the new program director for Lexington, responsible for all grant making there. She comes to Knight with more than 16 years of experience in leadership and management in government and nonprofit settings. Previously, she worked at The Council of State Governments, where she most recently held the dual positions of deputy director and director of communications. At the council, she oversaw efforts to help state governments identify national trends impacting their work and to improve their decision-making and leadership skills.

Williams is a member of the board of directors for the Westmorland Neighborhood Association; the Center for Creative Living, an adult daycare; and Opportunities for Work and Learning, a nonprofit association. A Kentucky native, she received her bachelor’s degree in journalism at the University of Kentucky.

 “A pioneering spirit is what Knight needs to create transformational change, and Matthew and Laura both bring that to the table. We are pleased at their varied experiences across the business, government and nonprofit sectors,” Patterson said.

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation promotes journalism excellence worldwide and invests in the vitality of Philadelphia, Lexington and other communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. To see and hear stories of Knight’s transformational funding, visit