Knight Foundation Names Community Advisers in Boulder County – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation Names Community Advisers in Boulder County

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation has appointed eight local community leaders to its Boulder Community Advisory Committee.

Boulder’s appointed advisers are: Christine Cameron, mayor, City of Lafayette; Brad Feld, managing director, Foundry Group; Carly Hare, director or programs, The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County; Rich Lopez, attorney at Lopez Law Office; Ryan Martens, founder and chief technology officer of Rally Software; Karen Rahn, co-director, Housing & Human Services, City of Boulder; and John Tayer, public affairs manager of Roche Colorado Corporation.

“I’m thrilled that such a talented and diverse group of community leaders is willing to take time from their own busy lives and careers to help the Knight Foundation connect with those in the community that are making a difference,” said Dave Mills, the foundation’s program director for Boulder County.  

Boulder County is one of 26 U.S. communities served by Knight Foundation, a $2.5 billion national foundation with local roots where the Knight brothers owned newspapers in their lifetimes.

Community Advisory Committee members are an integral part of Knight Foundation’s grant-making work.  Each committee is a small group of creative, connected and strategic advisers who work with Mills and other program directors to discover opportunities that produce maximum impact and lasting change in the communities they serve. 

Boulder County boasts a strong economy, high quality of life and a well-educated workforce.  Its demographics are rapidly changing, with the Latino population doubling in the last decade.  As a result, Knight Foundation initiatives in Boulder County focus on closing the education gap and developing programs to integrate minorities and immigrants into economic and civic life. 

Mills added, “Boulder is on the leading edge in so many ways and I anticipate our grant making will have similarly innovative approaches to the community’s most pressing problems.”

About Knight Foundation

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation promotes journalism excellence worldwide and invests in the vitality of Boulder and 25 other communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. Knight Foundation supports ideas and projects that create transformational change. For more, visit