Communities – Page 9 – Knight Foundation

To support community-led initiatives that enable connectivity and digital transformation in 10 Knight Communities by identifying broadband expansion and smart cities projects that will target underserved within community. 

Provide 1:1 match of the City of Akron’s $4,000,000 contribution of American Rescue Plan Act funding to support the Middlebury Housing Initiative. 

Provide 1:1 match of the City of Akron’s $3,500,000 contribution of American Rescue Plan Act funding to support the redesign and rebuilding of Locks 2, 3 and 4. 

To support the construction of and programming for a historic park in downtown Akron that honors the site of the seminal 1851 speech by women’s rights activist and abolitionist Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?”

To support the transformation of the Polsky Building into a center of entrepreneurship, community collaboration, artistic performances and learning; andTo contribute to the civic and economic vibrancy of downtown Akron.

To support the Earth Dashboard, a public facing interactive data portal and a ‘situation room’ for the planet that is a signature component of Earth HQ and through innovative visualizations will seek to provide a lay perspective on climate change and the global and local nature of its impact. 

Organizational support to launch a newly established group of experienced Black real estate developers in Philadelphia to access capital for development opportunities that drive community priorities such as affordable housing and economic development in historically Black and other marginalized neighborhoods. 

To scale the Institute for Social Capital’s integrated data systems, which collects and manages Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s health, human services, education, housing, and workforce data, so that public and private partners can understand local challenges and drive cross-sector solutions.

To support the San Jose City Manager’s office in expanding the City’s data leadership and capacity to make data-driven decisions, measureoutcomes, protect digital privacy, and drive results that incorporate equityinto the planning and delivery of City services. This leverages existinginvestments by the City of San Jose through budget actions BD31 (San José Roadmap), BD53 (Office of Racial Equity), and as adopted by the Mayor’s June 2021 budget message, establishing the Equity through Data and Privacy Office within the City’s Information Technology Department. The grant also builds on City investments in racial equity, data analytics, and digital privacy protections.

To support a 1-mile extension of the currently 13-mile Ocmulgee Heritage Trail (OHT) that will connect Macon’s historic Pleasant Hill neighborhood to downtown Macon’s economy and public spaces via a permanent, dedicated path.

To support the 4th annual On The Table Macon Initiative.