A fond farewell
As this is my final post as the Detroit Knight Arts writer, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to read my articles. Writing often feels like a solitary venture, as so much of the actual writing — by necessity — is done alone. I’ve spent many nights and early mornings at my computer, trying to get a sentence worded just right, or trying to describe a painting or performance in a way that will do justice to all of the hard hours or years that the artist has put into her work. Then, when the article is finished and published, it goes out into the electronic ether, which sometimes feels like a lifeless void—but isn’t. And the reason it isn’t is because of readers like you, who take time out of your day to read, comment, “like,” tweet or in some way think about and interact with a piece. Thank you, each and every one of you, it truly means the world to me.
With my final paragraph, I want to quickly mention an incredible event happening this weekend on the lawn of the Detroit Institute of Arts (a Knight Arts grantee). The internationally-renowned puppeteer Heather Henson, the daughter of Jim Henson (yes, that Jim Henson), will be performing “Celebration of Flight.” I saw them setting up for this show yesterday, and it looks to be a really major event, involving an assortment of puppets and kites, and even a kite-making workshop for anyone looking to participate in the performance. There are shows on Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Heather Henson seen here during a performance of “Celebration of Flight,” which comes to the Detroit Institute of Arts this weekend. Image courtesy Ibex Puppetry
Hope to see you there!
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