A site-specific night and day to remember – Knight Foundation

A site-specific night and day to remember

“Luminous” by Alex Trimino.

For the second year in a row, the Deering Estate has taken a chance with an outdoor (and some indoor), site-specific sculpture, part of its Festival of the Arts. It’s well worth the jaunt down south.

On opening night, the works were lit up, creating a glowing ambiance in the gorgeous grounds on the bay. People strolled around, stopped at various installations, then moved on to the next stop, in an unhurried path to discover contemporary sculpture.

“Baling” by Kerry Phillips.

“Speak Now” is curated by artist Ralph Provisero and the Deering’s Kim Yantis, and is described as a series of artistic interjections, “where the open land, storied structures and intimate niches of the estate present infinite possibilities for both spatial and literary exploration.” This year, the literary exploration came from poet Mia Leonin in collaboration with Carlos Ochoa, who set up a video and audio set, complete with chairs under lit trees. The spoken words floated about the grounds and drew people to sit and listen. Leonin is an Artist in Residence at Deering – the exhibit features artists from this program and this year, also from the Fountainhead Residency and studios. Out from that come several works here from Kerry Phillips, who in another performative piece lead interactive tours of the site throughout the night and whose intervention down in the wine cellar was one of the night’s talking points. As was a piece that couldn’t help but draw people to it and keep them standing around for a while, the light sculpture from Alex Trimino, appropriate titled “Luminous.” There is also a smattering of painting inside the house, some special ones from Natalya Laskis included. But there are many other works from a nice combination of artists that are waiting to “talk” to you.

“Mangrove Room” by Mia Leonin and Carlos Ochoa.

Combining the various disciplines that the residencies encourage is a point of the exhibit. “The title alludes to the urgent need to communicate with and be understood by one another. This aspect of society has never been more evident. ‘Speak Now’ is a referent to the relationship between literature and the visual and performing arts as support structures for a more replete expression of thoughts.” Oh, and the sculptures might speak a different language in the light of day. Check out both aspects, ending with the Red Carpet evening this Sunday, in honor of art, performance and the Oscars, where the night’s curators “Teddy Behr (David Rohn) and Adora (Danilo de la Torre) will provide erudite commentary on the fashion choices, questionable results and all manner of madness surrounding the Oscar Night events,” beginning at 6:30 p.m.

“Speak Now” runs through March 10; an antique car show is presented during the day on Sunday, with the Red Carpet evening event, at the Deering Estate at Cutler, 16701 SW 72nd Ave., Miami; for times and prices, go to www.deeringestate.org.