A Steinway B for Studio Z – Knight Foundation

A Steinway B for Studio Z

By Katherine Bergman, Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is thrilled to have been offered the opportunity to purchase a beautiful Steinway B piano for Studio Z, the ensemble’s performance space. Currently, the piano available at Studio Z is on loan from a generous donor, and while Zeitgeist has been fortunate to have a piano available to them, the reality is that the piano could be removed from Studio Z at any time, quickly jeopardizing the amazing musical activity that takes place there. Zeitgeist purchasing their own Steinway B ensures that a quality piano will be available permanently to all who perform at Studio Z.

With generous support from The Mardag Foundation, the City of St. Paul Cultural STAR program, and a matching grant from the Knight Foundation, the piano Zeitgeist is purchasing is a 1986 Steinway B with a black satin finish whose previous owner, Minneapolis piano teacher Diane Friberg, passed away recently. Diane was a meticulous woman who passionately loved music, and she took remarkable care of this piano. Her son decided to sell the instrument because he knew he would simply never play it and enjoy it the way that she did, and he knew she would want the instrument to be played by people that loved music as much as she did. Because Studio Z can guarantee that this piano will be well-loved and enjoyed by performers and audience members, he worked with Zeitgeist to make the instrument affordable for the organization. To honor his mother, Zeitgeist is creating the Diane Friberg Piano Maintenance Fund to help care for the piano in the future.

Zeitgeist’s new Steinway B will be heard throughout the upcoming season at Studio Z in Lowertown St. Paul, with performances by Zeitgeist and a host of other local musicians.

Zeitgeist is thrillingly close to funding the purchase of this beautiful Steinway B, with only $2,200 left to raise to match the Knight Foundation’s pledge. To donate to Zeitgeist’s piano fund, visit www.zeitgeistnewmusic.org/piano-fund. Thank you for your support!