“A Taste of Music” open house – Saturday, September 15th – Knight Foundation

“A Taste of Music” open house – Saturday, September 15th

By Peter Leggett, Walker West Music Academy

On Saturday, September 15th, Walker West Music Academy will open its doors to the community of Saint Paul for “ A Taste of Music” its annual open house to usher in a new season with students, their families, friends and supporters. This year’s open house will feature performances from the Academy’s two top youth jazz ensembles, faculty members,  and the American History Band Project. The event will be a time to meet with faculty members,  Academy staff and administration and fellow supporters of accessible community music education.

This open house also represents the opportunity to celebrate the past three years of success the Academy has had in which the organization has stabilized its financial standing, enhanced its programs, revitalized relationships with supporters and most importantly, has continued to provide accessible community music education to students in the Rondo and greater Saint Paul community.

It also marks a time in which the Academy on the heels of this success, can begin to chart a course for the future.  In order for the Academy to continue to thrive as a vital cultural center, the organization needs to continue to grow and position itself for sustained stability in these challenging times.  This will not be possible without the engagement of students, their families and supporters and at  “A Taste of Music” on Saturday, September 15th,  there will be dialogs with students, their families, friends and supporters so that they can share their visions for the future of the Academy.

This will provide Academy board members, staff, faculty and administration not only with an insight into the music education needs of the community but also provide a framework in which all can work together towards the future of Walker West Music Academy.  Join the Academy for “A Taste of Music” on Saturday, September 15th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. The event is free and open to all.

Go to www.WalkerWestMusicAcademy.org for more information or call 651-224-2929.