Acconci comes back to continue the conversation – Knight Foundation

Acconci comes back to continue the conversation

Vito Acconci and Gustavo Matamoros in dialogue.

Vito Acconci has had a profound impact on contemporary art for decades. Not only as a provocateur performance artist – which he truly was – but also as a pioneer of what we now call conceptual art, as a designer, sound artist, architect. But maybe just as important, as an insightful commentator on all these genres and trends – and as a critic of the artifice of it all. Last year, Acconci was here in Miami during Art Basel for a fascinating panel discussion that included local sound artist Gustavo Matamoros (whose Listening Gallery is a Knight Arts grantee). Now, Acconci’s back to continue the dialogue. The latest edition of the one-night, specially curated event called “The Night Club.” The two will hold an improvisational (what else?) conversation about art and sound and space, as part of the exhibition “Acoustical transpositions in a Single Architectural Space.” Works from Listening Gallery artists Rene Barge, David Dunn and Russell Frehling will provide the “acoustical” features, which are meant to explore concepts like resonance, amplifications and audible sounds and music within a certain, defined architectural space.

“Audiences will be able to listen to each acoustical articulation separately and experience subtle differences in the relationship between the sounds and their new habitat by physically walking across the room … listening … stopping … seating or laying on the floor … turning to one side … listening some more … standing back up … traveling to another location … listening again … turning again … moving again …”

That could sound like an intense exploration, but what a pleasure to know that this type of exploration – not a pretentious one, but a real experimental one – can be happening in our community. That Acconci has decided to join us in the trip is the icing on the cake.

“Acoustical transpositions in a Single Architectural Space” and a Conversation with Vito Acconi starts tonight, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m. and runs through 11 p.m. for the latest in the Series The Night Club, at the Buena Vista Bldg., 180 N.E. 39th St. (suite 112), Miami;