Akron Civic Theatre’s Big Night Out
The Akron Civic Theatre is pleased to announce the current line up of Big Night Out events made possible by the Knight Foundation. Knight funding is making it possible for many community-based arts organizations and performers to make an appearance on the beautiful Akron Civic Theatre stage, attracting new audiences for both the theater and the producing group. Big Night Out events started out with Seussical Jr. – Sept. 26th – produced by the Kent Parks & Recreation Department with a cast of 43 children. Over 1,500 people turned out for the performance, eclipsing the attendance number for any past Family Series event. Icho Daiko, Nov. 7th, a Taiko Drum Ensemble based in Cleveland, is next on the BNO schedule. As was the case for Seussical Jr., the marketing plan includes outreach to Akron City and suburban schools and The Civic’s All Access program, which distributes tickets through a well-established network of social service agencies. On Nov. 14, the ETC Fall Premiere showcases two choirs composed of youth from a three-county area in a performance that otherwise would have taken place in a High School auditorium. The Musical Theatre Project, a Cleveland-based organization whose mission is to document and celebrate the history of the American Musical, will present “A Christmas Cabaret” on Dec. 15th.
The holiday theme continues with Christmas Under the Stars with Helen Welch and featuring the choirs of Miller South and ETC on Dec. 8th. Helen Welch is an Akron-based singer and band working with Miller South (magnet middle school for the arts) and ETC. Sounds of Sousa Band Holiday Show, a Medina County based organization dedicated to re-producing a concert experience in the style of John Phillips Sousa, performs on Dec. 19th. The BNO series will make possible on Feb. 12 Akron’s first ever Winter Dance Showcase featuring Verb Ballets and NEOS Dance Theatre – an evening of modern, contemporary and classical dance. Clarence Darrow starring Neil Thackaberry, March 16, is a one-man show produced by the Actor’s Summit, an Akron-based professional theatre company. Actor’s Summit will also produce The Belle of Amherst starring Mary Jo Alexander on May 11.
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