An art scene blooms in the north – Knight Foundation

An art scene blooms in the north

A rendering of Lebo’s mural to be unveiled in Hollywood.

Over the last decade, Miami has become known internationally for its street art. Thanks to rogue individuals, graf groups, real estate moguls – a big mish-mash of people in fact – the façades of Wynwood are covered with some of the most interesting art to be found, indoors or out, anywhere. North of our border wants to get in on the action, in tandem with Broward’s own blooming arts culture.

Over the last few years, places such as The Girls Club (a Knight Arts grantee), the Hollywood Arts & Culture Center (also a Knight Arts grant recipient), the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, and a few galleries have livened up our northern neighborhood. Now, the “Downtown Hollywood Mural Project” will unveil a sprawling outdoor painting from Lebo (or David Le Batard) on Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. Called “Be-Bop Into Outer Space,” his multi-dimensional mural will take over 124 feet of wall on the Great Southern Building complex, on the Hollywood circle. Lebo’s work is well-known here in Miami, but in fact he is a Hollywood born-and-bred boy. In keeping with the theme of the circle area – which is heavy on music outlets, how not Miami – Lebo’s piece is jazz-inspired, improv and free-form, filled with color.

Lebo’s will be the first in a mural commission series: next up will come works from Jessy Nite, Ruben Ubeira and Michelle Weinberg. Watch out Wynwood, Hollywood, Fla. is right behind you.

As part of this art and music night (called the Third Saturday Art Walk), interesting spots such as Muzart (1946 Harrison St., Hollywood; 954-924-1133; will reveal their wares, which in this case includes art, food and a Reiki practitioner, ready to give some impromptu lessons. The Goddess Store & Studio (2017 Harrison St., Hollywood; 954-929-2369; will host performance art. Some fresh spirit is infusing South Florida’s art scene; give it a go!

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