An update for Knight Foundation grantees about COVID-19 – Knight Foundation

An update for Knight Foundation grantees about COVID-19

The coronavirus situation is moving at a pace that calls for great caution. Medical authorities consistently advise that it might be slowed by proper hygiene and reducing social contact. In response and as a matter of common sense and civic responsibility, we’ve closed Knight Foundation offices, suspended all travel and canceled large gatherings.

The work of the foundation will continue — but it will be done remotely. That means that, as we learn to take fuller advantage of the communications options available, we will need to be patient with each other as we all experiment with best ways to use technology to manage both our internal relationships and our relationships with you, our grantees. A very practical example is changing in-person meetings to call/video.

On a very practical note, please know that the vast majority of Knight’s payments occur electronically and will be processed without interruption. While we will continue to review grant requests, there may be delays while we adjust to our new virtual reality.

Since we don’t know how long this situation will last, I’m reaching out early to ask that you stay in touch with us throughout. We recognize that this situation may affect your ability to conduct your work and, specifically, the work you do that is supported by Knight Foundation.

Your priority, like ours, should be the health and safety of your families, employees and community. We want to understand your situation and ask that you feel free to reach out to your Knight Foundation contact. The more conditions evolve, the more important it is to communicate.

Please stay safe and please, let’s stay in touch. 

Alberto Ibargüen is president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.