Art takes the stage – Knight Foundation

Art takes the stage

More and more, we are seeing interesting collaborations among various artistic forms, mixing and mashing visual arts, performance, dance and music. Not a new concept obviously, but increasingly common in Miami’s scene,

which is a good thing. Not only does it allow individual artists to experience another discipline’s process, but the audiences in general also get exposure to a wider variety of how all the arts really do inter-relate.

Some recent examples of art in the non-gallery, interactive setting:

Last fall, artist Daniel Arsham (whose huge public artwork will be unveiled outside of the new Marlins stadium soon) collaborated with Merce Cunningham dancers to come up with “Replica,” which included his incredible disappearing and illusional sets. It was performed at both the Arsht Center and MOCA. Arsham had begun his own multi-disciplinary exploration several years earlier when he had developed the sets for the late great Cunningham himself.

Several weeks ago at Inkub8 performance space in south Wynwood, the “Pradera & Collaborators” performance included set and costume designs by well-known artist Glexis Novoa, and sound-art from Knight Challenge winner Gustavo Matamoros, who provided a wonderful soundtrack.

It was at Inkub8 as well that a week of late-night “after-after” Art Basel events took place in December, which featured highly visual dance pieces, along with more sound art from Matamoros, a site-specific project from Gean Moreno and Ernesto Oroza, and all curated by Novoa and Heather Maloney.

And at the Arsht Center recently for the “Miami Made” weekend, interdisciplinary artist Ana Mendez previewed her work-in-progress about the death of the great Cuban artist Ana Mendieta. The piece was a collaboration with Psychic Youth Inc., a sound-and-sculpture installation collective that includes Federico Nessi and which has been featured at the de la Cruz Collection. The work also included names familiar to the local gallery scene, such as Agustina Woodgate and Carlos Ascura.

Come together indeed. It’s a healthy trend.